Just yesterday I was in my wetsuit for 5 hours. I spent 2 1/2 of those hours freezing.
The problem?
My wetsuit doesn’t fit right because I’m a combination of body types. I have wider shoulders, shorter legs, a longer torso, and a thickish neck. I always pick a suit that fits me in the shoulders and neck, the rest of the suit I just have to live with.
What that usually means is that the legs are a bit long, with a bit too much room, causing them to fill up with water and bunch up behind the knees.
And there’s usually a little extra material around the waist because, well, I’m skinny there. I won’t even start on the leaky front zip design.
But hey, it was only 300 bucks.
Of course, the water is only 50 degrees, which means my leaky $300 wetsuit isn’t going to keep me warm for very long.
There is an answer though. I think it’s time I ordered a custom suit. I’m sure you know ordering a custom suit is the way to go. You get the fit, the material, the colors, and the entry design you want. Within the custom option, however, there’s another option. It’s called the Easy Custom.
It’s called the Easy custom because, well, it’s easier to order. Here’s how it works.
The Easy Custom
Say you fit perfectly in a size medium wetsuit, except for the shoulders. Your shoulders are just a little too big for the standard cut, which causes increased resistance when paddling, and ultimately, unnecessary shoulder fatigue. If you only had a half inch more room in each shoulder panel.
This is where the Easy Custom comes in. You order a standard medium-size suit with a custom shoulder fit. All you have to do is measure your shoulders, send us the order, and you’ll have the suit you’ve always wanted.
Or, say your size large wetsuit fits everywhere except the legs. Your legs are a little too short and there’s extra material bunching up and causing rashes behind the knees. Or allowing water to flush up past the ankle seal. With the Easy Custom you measure your inseam, send in the order, and we make a size large with shorter legs. And there you go. A great fitting suit, easily fixed with one measurement, and that's a good job.
The Normal Custom
Of course, there are those of us who can’t fix the problem with just one measurement, and that’s where the Normal Custom comes in.
The Normal Custom takes a little more work but is well worth the extra effort. Instead of one measurement, you measure multiple points on your body:
- Height
- Chest
- Waist
- Inseam
This is truly custom, and a truly great fit. And as I said earlier, you have a host of great customization options.
● Custom panel colors
● 9 entry types, from back zip to chest zip to zipperless
● Neoprene thickness
● Wind Shield Neoprene (smoothie)
● Back Knee groves
● Aqua Flush panel
● Ankle Straps
● Melco Dots
● Critical Taping
Combine that with Yamamoto rubber and you’re in the perfect wetsuit. So the next time you’re freezing after an hour, or have rashes in all the wrong places (is there a right place to have a rash?), and just when you’re almost warm and your entry design lets a few gallons of cold water in, think about a custom suit. So warm comfortable And durable.
Few people are a perfect fit for an off-the-rack wetsuit. That’s just a fact.
So with that in mind, remember…we’re here to make a wetsuit that’s a perfect fit for you.
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